Anne C. Pappas Center for Breast Imaging

Types of Breast Exams

If there’s one thing we know about breast cancer, it’s that the earlier it’s detected and treated the greater the likelihood of patient survival. Our team of experts specialize in routine breast screenings as well as diagnostic imaging and procedures.

At the Anne C. Pappas Center for Breast Imaging at Rhode Island Hospital, your examination is performed by an experienced mammography and ultrasound technologist, and is interpreted by our board-certified, breast fellowship-trained, highly experienced, specialized radiologists. Our breast imaging teams will provide you with trusted breast health expertise and accuracy. 

In addition to breast imaging, early detection and preventive measures also include monthly breast self-exams and scheduling regular breast exams and mammograms with your physician. Recommended early detection guidelines may vary depending on age and family history:

  • Clinical breast examination completed every three years from ages 20-39, then every year thereafter
  • Monthly breast self-examinations beginning at age 20
  • Baseline mammogram by the age of 40
  • Mammogram screening every one to two years depending on previous findings
  • Mammogram every year for women 50 and older

Taking a personalized, multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive the highest level of expertise in breast cancer diagnosis, treatments, and support. 

Different Types of Breast Imaging