It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end and school is beginning in just a few weeks. For students and parents, the end of August is a time for preparation and new school year resolutions. It’s the season for back-to-school shopping, returning to a regular sleep schedule, and finishing up summer reading and math packets. Lifespan Living has posted blogs about this important time of year many times before. Here are eight helpful posts to aid in the transition from summer to fall.

How to Pack a Backpack Right, Light and Tight

Did you know that 79 percent of American students carry school backpacks, and 55 percent of those backpacks are too heavy? Those heavy backpacks can cause low back pain that can last through adulthood. Help your child take the load off their back by following tips for backpack safety by Lifespan Rehabilitation Services’ occupational therapist, Kayla Pirri.

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Keeping Food Allergies in Check at School

Nearly six million American children have food allergies, with one-third allergic to more than one food. It’s not always easy to accommodate diverse, nutritional and simple lunch foods to pack for your child every day, and it’s even more worrisome to send your child to school knowing that there are potential nutritional hazards around. Tao Zheng, MD, director for Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, has some words of advice for parents with allergic kids.

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When Is A Belly Ache Not Just A Belly Ache?

Tummy or belly aches are the bread and butter of common childhood complaints. Did you know being tired or upset can even trigger a belly ache? Dr. Carolina Cerezo, a pediatric gastroenterologist and medical director of the Feeding Program at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, talks about common causes and when it could be a sign of something more serious.

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School, Anxiety and Kids

As with any change or transition, starting school in September can trigger anxiety and stress. Jennifer Jencks, PhD, director of the Access Center at Bradley Hospital and associate director of the Lifespan Pediatric Behavioral Health Emergency Services, offers answers to some questions about how to reduce that anxiety this coming fall.

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Five Tips to Manage Back-To-School Anxiety (Parents’ that is!)

It’s fairly easy to recognize the back-to-school jitters that emerge in children come autumn, but what’s less commonly understood are the anxieties that parents exhibit during this stressful transition period. Provided in this blog are five ways you can ease your child’s worries while ensuring your own peace of mind.

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Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Whether you are putting your firstborn on the bus to kindergarten or sending your middle schooler off to a new grade, it is important to keep up with their curriculum and get to know their teachers. There is no better way to ensure success than with a parent-teacher conference. These brief meetings take place once or twice a year, and it is important to come prepared and understand how to follow up at home. Child and adolescent psychiatry fellow Zachary Engler, MD, outlines what to expect, how to set an action plan for your kids, and how to keep in touch with his or her education.

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10 Tips for College Students with Diabetes

Going to your first year of college is stressful for anyone, but there is an added anxiety for students with diabetes. Jose Bernardo Quintos, MD, director of the division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, gives 10 tips for diabetics to plan and begin this new phase of life.

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Most Young Adults Feel Overwhelmed. Do You?

The modern social and academic demands of the world can be difficult for young adults. For those with a mental illness, it can be even more challenging. Dr. Meesha Ahuja, a psychiatrist and the clinical director of the Young Adult Outpatient Psychiatry program at Lifespan, talks about common challenges and where young adults can seek support.

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