Lifespan ClinTECH
Clinical, Translational, Environmental, and Community Health Center

Population Health and Community Engagement Program

Mission and Strategy

The Population Health and Community Engagement Program’s mission is to improve the health of populations by bringing together diverse disciplines and data to understand and address social, environmental, behavioral, and biological factors on both a domestic and global scale.

Our overall strategy is built on four pillars

Men and women at a meeting

1. Collaboration and Community

Fostering partnerships and transdisciplinary research.

Woman researcher looking at her computer

2. Research Resources

Providing a portal for data discovery and analysis to enable research.

People sitting at a long table and working together

3. Translation

Turning research into application.

Medical staff in a training class

4. Education and Training

Teaching and disseminating ClinTECH Center discoveries.

Population health graphic

What Is Population Health?

Population health is the study of relationships between many health determinants and/or health outcomes in large populations. It sits at the intersection of medicine and public health, spanning basic and social sciences, enabling integrated research that encompasses virtually every domain of life and society.