Your Guide to Plant-based Diets and Your Heart Health

Gain the Advantage to Heart Health with Plant-based Foods

You are what you eat. A simple phrase that we take to heart. The Lifespan Cardiovascular Institute has done the research, studied the results, and put into practice the path to healthier living.

It starts with one five-letter word: P-L-A-N-T. When you, and your family, add this important category of ingredients to your diet, you gain the advantage to a healthier heart.

A plant-based diet is a fun, colorful, and easy approach to eating. It’s one big step towards the prevention of heart attacks and other types of cardiovascular conditions. Our team of cardiologists, nurse practitioners, researchers, and surgeons agree – prevention is the best medicine. Recent studies by the American Heart Association indicate that plant-based diets, not strict vegetarianism, can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease at any age.

Pump up the number of plant-based foods you eat and your heart will thank you. The Lifespan Cardiovascular Institute is here to guide you towards a long life of good eating and living.

Download our free Guide to a Healthier Heart filled with tips to help you add more plant-based foods to your diet, include exercise in your daily routine, and make simple lifestyle changes that will benefit your heart.

Contact the Lifespan Cardiovascular Institute

Contact the Lifespan Cardiovascular Institute

For more information or to schedule an appointment at the Lifespan Cardiovascular Institute, please call 1-855-332-8474.

Woman carrying child on her back

What are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?

Heart attack symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people may have very few symptoms or may not have the most common symptoms.

Healthy Food, Happy Heart: Best Heart Health Foods

A diet that includes foods that lower blood pressure, fight inflammation, and reduce LDL cholesterol will reduce your risk of heart disease.