Newport Hospital
Application and Reporting Process

Frederick Henry Prince Memorial Fund

FHP Memorial Fund Soccer

Application and Reporting Process

The fund will award direct grants through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The proposal format is given below.

Responding organizations must complete the cover page and have it signed by the organization's official representative (i.e.: chief executive or financial representative).

Proposals received after the official closing date will be disqualified.

Grantees are expected to submit a final report prior to the following year’s grant making cycle. We ask for a one-page document that shares project results, impact on youth, and detail on expenditures.

Proposal Guidelines

General Requirements

Proposals will be accepted between January 1, 2024 through January 31, 2024. Proposals are due electronically (PDF format) by 5 p.m. on January 31, 2024. Proposal applications will be reviewed in February 2024 and funding awards will be announced in March 2024. For questions about the proposal application process, or how to submit your PDF file, please email: [email protected].



1. Cover Page (see below).

2. Project Description, which includes:

  • What will you do, who benefits, and how?
  • How does your project connect to the Fund’s goals?
  • Where does the project take place and are other collaborators or volunteers involved?

3. Project Plan, which includes:

  • Schedule for the project
  • Brief bio on project manager
  • How will you measure success?
  • How do you/will you sustain the project?

4. Financial Plan, which includes:

  • The specific amount requested
  • Project budget
  • Other sources of funding


Please submit one PDF file which includes the Cover Page and Sections 2-4.

Page Limits

The proposal should be single spaced in no smaller than 12-point type. We encourage you to be concise and direct in your narrative. The Fund’s Advisory Committee is interested in projects that offer more options for children and youth to be active, healthy, and experience a greater and lasting degree of wellness.

The page limit depends on the amount requested:

  • Small projects are defined as less than or equal to $5,000.00. Page limits for small projects are three pages, including the cover sheet.
  • Large projects are defined as greater than $5,000.00. Page limits for large projects are four pages, including the cover sheet.

Proposal Submission

Proposals should be submitted in PDF format and via email to [email protected]

Cover Page

The cover page for your proposal should look as follows:

Download a PDF version

The Frederick Henry Prince Memorial Fund Proposal Cover Page

Project Title: _______________________________________________________________

Organization: __________________________________ Tax ID (if applicable): ____________________

Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person: _______________________________________Phone______________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Person Responsible for Project: ______________________________________________________________

Project Summary: _________________________________________________________________________








Project Start Date: ____________________________ Project End Date:_____________________________

Total Project Budget: __________________________ Amount Requested: __________________________

Name of Fiscal Agent Organization: __________________________________________________________

(if applicable)

Approval of Organization’s Official Representative:

The organization named above will act as a responsible agent for any funds received, and will comply with applicable tax laws, and regulations. We understand that Newport Hospital requires periodic project and financial expenditure reports from grant recipients and may request the opportunity to visit our projects for the purposes of evaluation before awarding a grant or after an award has been made.

Signature                                         Title                               Date

Print Name                                         Title 

Final Report Guidelines

Previous recipients of an award must have submitted a Final Report on their project prior to being eligible to apply for the next grant-making cycle. Please contact us if you are unsure whether you have previously complied.

To complete a Final Report, submit a document of no more than two pages that shares measurable project results, your program’s impact on youth, feedback from program participants and their families and/or caregivers wherever possible, and budget details on how you expended your grant funds. Please email your completed Final Report to [email protected]. Final Reports may be completed as soon as your project has concluded, but no later than December 31st of the year in which you received your award.