Lifespan ClinTECH
Clinical, Translational, Environmental, and Community Health Center

Education that Strengthens Communities

The ClinTECH Center was established in part to help and identify and understand diseases resulting from environmental exposures with a special focus on translating scientific evidence into prevention.

Masked adult raising their hand during a training class
Our vision is to continue to be the premier intellectual hub and operational infrastructure for environmental health across Rhode Island and the communities we serve, as well as partners, collaborators, agencies, and stakeholders in the U.S. and globally.

The Tech Center’s overarching goal is to foster innovation and interdisciplinary science, career development, and community partnerships.

The ClinTECH Center team supports faculty and investigators who research issues related to service and community engagement, or who pursue research questions identified by community members or organizations. The goal of this research, which is often done in partnership with community residents or organizations, is to build and disseminate knowledge that advances scholarship and strengthens communities. 

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